Thursday, March 20, 2014

Whoops! My Bad.

 My goodness I forget to post the link to the blog for all four AWOL groups.  As you know the group I am in is going to Colorado to help with the flood relief efforts.  But there are three more groups.  There is a group going to New York to help with homelessness and hunger.  There is another group going to Costa Rica and working with sea turtles and environmental issues.  And the final group is going to Jamaica and working with children in poverty.  So if you would like to read more about any of these trips feel free to check out the link below.  I know some groups may not be as fortunate (or maybe even more fortunate?) than ours, but not all groups will have internet connection so they won't be able to blog as much.  But they will be sure to update when they can.

Well, its that time...time for BED!!

Good night and Lots of Love,

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